Después de mucho tiempo de ausencia, estoy regresando a utilizar Hugo blog para generar contenido. En los siguientes días voy a estar escribiendo acerca de las tecnlogías recientes que he estado utilizando en el trabajo.
Ansible intro Ansible is a configuration management tool developed and maintained by RedHat. It can be used to install, remove, start, stop, restart and manage configuration files for services on your systems. Ansible can automate the state of a set of services and configuration files across an environment no matter the size of it. Your infrastructure can be composed of a small set of servers or a large environment across different regions.
Please take notice that this blog post is work in progress While working on some tasks in the past few weeks, I faced a problem that involved setting a “filter” for an application that was exposed to the internet.
The application receives requests with some data, process it and then it produces an output, the problem was that the application did not have much control on how many requests it could receive in a specific time frame or from which source it could receive this requests.