One draw back of being in the IT industry for so many years is the amount of technologies I’ve used in all past projects, this complicates things even more when I’m on a interview and I’m asked one of the most nonesense questions, whish is:

  • How many years of experience do you have in ____ technology? Just fill whichever technology you want in the blank and as you might know, the answer is mostly nonsense. Just to mention a couple of examples:
  1. The first time I used AWS was back in 2008, back then I was working in a start up company and the product to be built was a brokerage, we where looking into implementing some infrastructure in the newly created AWS but we where unable to do so since at the time, AWS was not PCI compliant. Funny to think about that now, 16 some years later. Now, the fact that I used AWS for the first time that many years ago, does not mean that I am a master of AWS technologies. What it means is that I’ve used AWS on and off for the past 16 years and are very comfortable with most of the common tools and services. Recently I worked in a project in which it was my first time using Fargate and ECS. It took me a couple of weeks to get the entire implementation going and it was fun to work with it.

  2. Back in 2007 I cam across a tool called FUNC (Fedora Unified Network Controller), this tool was the precursor of what later became to be Ansible. It was a tool that allowed you to create a master and slave server (or as they called, certmaster and minion). It was based in SSL certificates and it allowed you to seemingly interact from the master to the minion and sending commands to a group of minions and execute the tasks in parallel, sound familiar? Then around 2014 I started using Ansible, and the same as the case with AWS, the fact that I used Ansible for the fist time about 10 years ago does not mean that I am a master of it. I’ve been using the tool on and off for the past 10 years and I can find my way around the tool and can build playbooks with some ease and reading the documentation.

So, to simplify the task of recruiters, what I will be doing is that I’ll be adding to my github, a repo in which I’ll add a directory for each technology I’ve used and some examples of configurations, scripts, programes or routines that mainly show my expertise in each of those tools.

I’m mostly certain that this will be an ongoing project but definitely will be fun to concentrate all of that information in one repo.

I’ll keep you posted.

And just a new line